Q. What are the opening hours of C&G ?
A. C&G is opened 10am - 6pm Monday - Friday. Please call ahead for Saturday opening times. We are not open on bank holidays or public holidays. Our phone system has a 24/7 message service.

Q. Where is C&G Located ?
A. C&G is located at Unit 14 New Albion Industrial Estate, Halley Street, Glasgow G13 4DJ - For a map, review our Enquiries & Locate page.

Q. Can I see examples of your work ?
A. Yes. By following "C&G Live on Facebook" you'll see news and recent repairs - we show you the skills and effort used to bring defective products back to life. We post pictures and videos and even have interaction with our engineers. If you do not use Facebook you may still view our public profile. Just click our button.

Q. My television has broken down, what can C&G do to help me ?
A. At C&G we can provide a repair service for all brands of televisions. Our repair service charges are as low as possible and in almost all cases we can effect a repair for far less than half  the cost of a replacement. The cheapest way to have your television repaired is to bring it to the repair centre yourself. In return for bringing it in we can provide a free examination and estimate.  You will have to leave the television with us and please remember to bring the remote control with you if you have it. You can bring your set to us anytime Monday - Friday, 10am - 6pm. If you have any further questions use the contact form or call us on 0141 337 2291.

Q. I have something other than a television that needs repaired ?
A. Please refer to the above answer. Free estimates apply to all appliances that need repaired. Bring it to us Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm for a free examination and estimate. You will have to leave the appliance with us. If your appliance has a remote control then please bring it with you.

Q. What type of appliances do C&G repair ?
A. C&G repair televisions (small screen, large screen, LCD Flat Panel, Plasma, Rear Projection and LCD/DLP Projectors), Video Cassette Recorders, DVD Recorders, HiFi equipment, DVD Players, Satellite/Terrestrial Receivers (analogue and digital), Vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, computer monitors (CRT or LCD Flat Panel).

Q. What brands do C&G repair ?
A. C&G Repair all brands of equipment. We will have a go at repairing any brand. Please note that some brands have no spares or service support and repairs can take considerably longer than you may expect. We will advise you after an engineer has examined your appliance.
